Gifted Education
At Perth College, we understand that gifted students have diverse educational needs and cannot be catered for with a one-size-fits-all approach. Our Eudaimonia program has been designed to promote educational excellence for gifted students within an inclusive environment.
The program targets identified gifted and high potential students across our Junior and Senior Schools; through rigorous curricula and quality teaching, students of high academic ability are challenged to reach their full potential. To further enrich their learning, we offer multiple pathways that include learning sprints, timetabled intensives, external competitions and co-curricular initiatives.
Our Learning Engagement team works collaboratively with Heads of Department, classroom teachers and learning areas to assist with differentiated programming. We are committed to providing the appropriate challenge, and support for all students in our classrooms. Our gifted students are encouraged to stretch to their fullest potential negating the issue of ‘coasting’ in their learning. We provide quality differentiation in many ways depending on the class, subject and ability of our students.
At Perth College, we focus on the holistic development of each student. We draw upon specialists from our InsideOut program to provide targeted support for any social and emotional issues that may arise in gifted students, and we manage and monitor the academic progress of our identified gifted students and twice-exceptional students to ensure the early identification of potential underachievement.
Our program is led by a Masters qualified, Gifted Education Specialist who is part of our Learning Engagement team. We have invested in staff training to ensure a significant number of staff have completed the Mini-Certificate of Gifted Education from the University of New South Wales (UNSW). The Learning Engagement team works collaboratively with classroom teachers to provide equitable opportunities for our students to ensure they are able to achieve their personal best and facilitate the pursuit of excellence.
Get to know us by visiting our school.
Our goal is to inspire joy in learning, every day. All our academic and co-curricular programs are created specifically for girls, in an environment that nurtures confidence and determination.