Old Girls’ Association

Once a PC girl, always a PC girl

The Perth College Old Girls’ Association (OGA) celebrates the lives and achievements of our remarkable alumni. 

The OGA was established in 1913 and works with Perth College to foster a strong sense of community. It provides a way for past students to stay connected with each other and the School.

Throughout the year, the OGA organise a variety of academic, cultural, social, and sporting events that help maintain the traditions of the school while promoting a sense of friendship and belonging.

The OGA offers several bursaries to past students and their daughters and granddaughters to attend Perth College. 

OGA Committee

The OGA Committee is elected annually at its Annual General Meeting. At the 2024 AGM the following members were nominated and endorsed.

President and Council Representative

  • Stephanie (Jennings) Fullarton (1979)

Vice President 

  • Linda (Meyers) Hyland (1968)


  • Katrina (Port) Harrison (1988)


  • Jen (Stewart-Wynne) Sarre (1988)

Foundation Representative

  • Angel Chen – Foundation Board 


  • Malinda Blair (1996) 
  • Denise (Jones) Hall (1979) 
  • Lesley (Dunstan) Keen (1958) 
  • Justine (Beasley) Legge (1986)
  • Carolyn Bright (1990)
  • Peta Cooke (2009)

Young Old Girls’ Advisory (YOGA) 

  • Charlotte Sarre (2022)
  • Sasha Knipe (2023)

If you are interested in joining the committee, please contact our Alumni Coordinator – [email protected]


The Myalla magazine is a fantastic way for Old Girls to stay connected to what’s happening at Perth College and what fellow Old Girls are up to, long after their school days are finished.


Perth College’s Chapel is the spiritual heart of our School. Approaching its centenary, the OGA are raising funds to celebrate this remarkable milestone.

Our staff, students and their family members may undertake the sacraments of Baptism, Admission to Holy Communion and Confirmation in our Chapel of St Michael and All Angels.

It also makes a wonderful location to hold a wedding, baptism or celebration of life ceremony. To find out more about using the Chapel, please contact our Alumni Coordinator by email [email protected].

Heritage Centre

The Perth College Heritage Centre holds the information on all aspects of our School’s history since it was founded in 1902.

The collection encompasses academic reports and minutes, architectural drawings, museum items, uniforms, badges, trophies, newspaper clippings, oral histories and photographs. It also includes a uniform collection that highlights the changes and advancements of our uniforms over the years.

Our Heritage Centre welcomes visitors by appointment. Please contact our Heritage Officer by email [email protected].